The boiiis are back! what up freaks?

Kategori: Allmänt

Been a while since you last heard from the Freaks of Nature!
    We spent the majority of our summer in sweden and have now officially made it through first term of sophomore year. We are so pumped to start the second semester here on freaksofnature and hope that everyone are as pumped as we! It has been a couple of rough months with bad nutrition.. Especially after christmas (you know how it goes) but there are a couple of months to fix that.. gotta look good for Spring break, right! ;) 
After getting back from christmas break have we noticed that  all the bois have been fired up every freaking weekend, which we love! keep it up people. freaks have more fun! Peace out 
 figured throwing in a couple of photos from last week, cannot wait for some more crazy nights with the Skoogs! #LosBryschos